
Medical Legal Consultation

Case Merit

Overview analysis from the available medical records and documents with a  critical eye examining the threshold of Duty, Breach of Standard of Care, Foreseeability and potential Causation and Damages. Our goal for Case Merit is to assist in determining the strengths and pitfalls and make recommendations for case planning. If it deems to move forward, we will include recommendation for wanted documents for the Discovery Phase and potential recommendation of other experts. Consultation can be either through phone conference or written memorandum.


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Medical Summary With Chronology and Expert Opinion

Providing an understanding of the medical issues allows you to advocate, develop strategy and if necessary present the as with a focus on the pertinent facts. At NWNC we weed through the plethora of medical records to find what is relevant and present it to you in an understandable and well written format.

Our Medical Summary Reports are designed with:

1. Chronological format with quick reference using Bates numerical identifiers. If you need to bring in another expert or physician, the medical charts notes are now organized for ease at a fraction of the cost. Giving the physician all the records in an organized manner for review and communicate to the legal team using the same chronological system.

2. Review of past medical history

3. Summary of event with explanation

4. Review of regulations and Standards of Care
5. Clinical impressions in regards to Duty, Breach, Foreseeability, Cause and Damages

Optional: Professional Impressions/Expert Opinion

If the scope of the issue is within our expertise, we will proudly stand behind any of our written work on the witness stand, in Deposition or for Medical Opinion/Summary Judgement.

We are gracious, well spoken, thoughtful and calm under pressure.


Deposition and Interrogatory Support

Details count. Be prepared.

NWNC offers Depositions and Interrogatory support in designing relevant questions that are pertinent to the issues so that your time and questions are purposeful. Opposing counsel will have a preview of the powerful, organized and educated opponent that they are coming up against and you will get valuable answers to thoughtful questions.


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CR35 and IME Support

CR35/IME can be contentious and scary for clients. Our RN chaperones have a gracious professional style which is respected by the physicians. We provide emotional support to the client and keeps everyone in check by having an unbiased witness in the exam. We will preview the court order and medical notes; audiotape the exam and take chronological notes throughout the exam. If necessary, the RN can provide unbiased testimony as to the elements of the exam, substantiated by her audio and written notes, Prevention is good medicine.


The NWNC Difference

Our Registered Legal Nurse Consultants are stand out leaders in their professional fields, respected and trusted by their colleagues and patients. They are clinically active and clinicians first.

Registered Nurses instill trust and respect. Our RN’s are known for their depth of understanding of clinical issues and ability to bridge the gap between the complex medical and the effect on the human condition and disease trajectory. This is valuable whether in written form in in the witness box. They are cost effective members of the medical legal team providing document organization, Medical Summaries with Chronologies and scope of practice and evaluation of Standard of Care. They can be experts within their Nursing specialties offering an expert witness who is genuine, trustworthy and knowledgeable.

Please give us a call to discuss your needs and see if NWNC might be able to help.


Contact us

We would be happy to discuss your case to see if we can be of help. Please email us below or call Barbara at


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